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International business expansion – Outsourcing employment workforce

As an entrepreneur, your actions should always target growth objectives and a profitability increase. In some situation, for your business niche or activities, a...

Benefits of volunteering for social change in your community

  Volunteering plays an important role in the running of a community, whether at local or national level. Altruistic activities contribute to the development of...

What is Business Economics?

It is important to know what is business economics used for and why it is so important. A good business strategy can reduce costs, maximize profit and lead to development. Business economics meets the needs of the business firm and finds the best solution to the existing problems.

Macroeconomics vs Microeconomics

While the results from individual studies cannot be extrapolated on a macroeconomic model and the investment policies of a business cannot be investigated without proper understanding of the macroeconomic growth, in the macroeconomics vs microeconomics dispute there is no winner: the two disciplines are bound together.

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