Baby shower games

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Looking for baby shower games is not a difficult task. After having chosen the place, the number of guests and the theme of the baby shower, it’s time to look for some funny games that keep up high the mood of the guests.

You do not need an overwhelming budget and the people you invite are not supposed to be the most pretentious ones, but familiar and close friends. You could ask for mom-to-be’s advice for some other baby shower games.

The first baby shower games we suggest you is called ‘Baby Shower Bingo’. It has a connection with the gift-opening process and it is quite classy. In order to plan this game, you should make sure you have the following elements: pens and papers. Make sure you have enough elements for every guest and fill in the papers with some bingo templates in order to customize your game. Choose a logo and a nice font. The background should also be funny and entertaining.

After having done this, start distributing the papers and the pens to all the guests. The mom-to-b starts looking for the gifts and names every one she opens. You have to write down all the gifts received and try to find new words on the horizontal or vertical. Diagonals are accepted as well. The person who finds out a new word the first one, gets a prize for being the winner of the game. As far as the games are concerned, you could think of funny things, like gift cards for iTunes that are free and easy to get.

Another baby shower games we suggest you to try is called ‘Name That (Baby) Tune’. You have to obtain an mix CD, a CD player and some pens and papers. Now you have to get ready to follow the steps. First of all, you need to look for your music collection or iTunes, everything you have downloaded and you know will be appreciated by your guests. Make some mixes with the songs you have, so that one song ends up with some words that are continued by the next song. It will be fun! You are free to mix songs of Britney Spears to the ones sang by Queens or Abba and the more outstanding combinations you will make, the more fun you will have. After having made 15 songs, copy them on a CD and let the baby shower begin!