Internet reputation

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Every single company in this world watches and takes care of its reputation, as this is an important element which can either attract new clients, either scare and spread the current ones. As internet has absorbed the main marketing channels and almost every company that respects itself has an online store or page, the internet reputation has become essential in maintaining the company’s popularity, credibility and guarantee in front of its clients.

The internet reputation consists of not only the apparent features and facts, but mostly the critics, comments and opinions of others, revealed on chat forums, blogs and social networks. As not all of these posts are true, your reputation can be distorted because of false statements of those who seek despicable purposes.

Recently, a solutions to this problem has arised: now, you can watch and revise your internet reputation using a pioneer programme of  monitoring everyday posts’ content that referes to you. is an online reputation management site which finds existing online posts about you,  finds exposed personal info in databases, sends alerts whenever new posts appear and also identifies and alerts you to damaging posts.

Not only it shows you the bad reputation created by damaging posts, but it also provides you tools to remove them, in order to keep your internet reputation as accurate as possible. For that, offers three different products to control your internet reputation: “reputation defender”, “my reputation” and “my privacy”; reputation defender tool makes you look your best online by fixing your google negative results that people could find about you and hiding unwanted links, while boosts your online visibility.

Nowadays, people are used to google everything, even if they are looking for a product, a company or even a person. As negative content hurts and you risk to be passed over, watching your online materials is a very important step to protect your career, finances, and even relationships. An advanced tool for protecting your online reputation is represented by another efficient product provided by, “my reputation”.

This one is dedicated mainly to business and professional people which are more likely to  be exposed on the internet and it helps them look online as professional as they do look offline. In adition to what “reputation defender” provides, this advanced tool not only removes negative and false posts about you, but it also builds your accurate profile emphasizing your qualities, achievements, awards, news and others.

The third product, “my privacy”, protects you from identity theft; there are already lots of personal informations about you on the internet which could easily be used in bad purposes by others, such as steal your identity, judge your social status, harass or stock you or your close persons, etc. In order to protect you and ensure your privacy, this tool removes your personal informations that are exposed online. In conclusion, internet reputation programmes are not just a matter of reputation, but they also imply your protection and security.