Passtouch Web Browser App for iPad

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This new app the passtouch web browser app for iPad is just absolutely amazing, is what the market really needed. Over the last couple of years we have seen a lot of improvements in the web browser department but not password protection updates have been made. The moment has finally come and the passtouch web browser has been launched. In American about 8.5 billion dollars have been registered as costs due to theft. The number continues to rise because people usually choose pet names or familiar words as their passwords, thus making the hacker’s job easier. It would be nice if we could navigate on web sites without the need of all these passwords. You will no longer have to worry about making a strong password for your account in case someone wants to hack it. Not to mention the fact that the signature will not be predictable at all because you will not be using words you will be using lines and colors.

With this new iPad app you can because it uses a certain touch pattern which personalizes every account that you have. To demonstrate we will give you an example. For every account that you create you need a password so that no one can access it. What if we told you that with the passtouch web browser you can access any account just by drawing a simple circular line. What you have to do is create you passtouch password by choosing a shape and some colors that are very easy to remember.

This is not the first passtouch web browser app for iPad that the company has come up with but it seems that this is the best version. You will no longer have to worry about remembering all the passwords to all of your accounts. You will no longer need to keep you passwords memorizes on sites just in case you forget them. You will be protected by anyone who tries to enter you account without your permission. To download the passtouch web browser app for iPad all you have to do is go online and download it from there. If you do not know how to use it read the manual. It is very easy to use you just have to pay attention. We think that every user should get this iPad app because it is really useful and it will make you feel safe.

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