Advices for buying a plot of land

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For many of us, the idea of buying a plot of land seems more advantageous than the purchase of an apartment. The space is much larger, there is the possibility of building a house, the arrangement of a garden or a playground, and many other facilities are leading people to focus on a plot of land. However, the whole buying process is not easy, requiring a thorough documentation before. Before you apply for a military mortgage, you should make sure you have found the right piece of land first.  In addition, there are plenty of traps in which you can easily fall if you do not ask and clarify certain key issues. Here are some advices that you should consider when you want a plot of land for you and your family:


  • Request to the owner the property document. There is clearly specified the way of acquisition of the land, and other details.
  • The method of acquisition of a land is very important. For example, if the land is inherited, you must request for the certificate of inheritance of the current owner.
  • Also, you have to know that if the acquisition is by reconstitution of the property right, the land can be sold anytime. Instead, the establishment of the document right implies that the land cannot be sold for 10 years from the date of possession.
  • Request at the town hall or from the financial administration the tax certificate that certifies that all land taxes have been paid.
  • Avoid flooded areas or those which may be archaeological sites. However, if other conditions seem optimal to you, but the land is in such an area, consult an authorized person to tell you if the land and the house that you will build here are in danger or if the land can be sold. If it is the area of an archaeological site, there may be restrictions in this regard.
  • Ask at the town hall if on your land areas are passing different pipelines, because sometimes the excavations in these situations are prohibited.
  • Another danger when you want to buy a plot of land is that it may be subject to litigation or it may even be mortgaged. Whether we talk about normal or military mortgage, a mortgaged land is not your to buy, so pay great attention to this detail. The real estate register excerpt could clarify this, so request a copy to the notary, and a certified copy of the cadastral file. It contains details of the land, location and so on.
  • Request the release of the town planning. It says what you can build on that land, and especially what kind of construction: the surface allowed, height, any restrictions and so on.
  • It is not indicated that the land to be in an area with large electrical poles or in a hilly area.
  • You need a sketch of the land made by a topographer in which to be clear the positioning of the plot in the area, with the registration number.
  • Find out if the land is connected to the utilities and determine by a geo-technical study the land’s resistance to landslides or floods.
  • Before buying the land, make sure there is a public access road near the land or that will build one in the near future.
  • Because the traps and things you need to know are many, we recommend hiring a lawyer during this period to save you from additional worries.