Easy watercolor painting techniques

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Watercolor painting is a very old painting style that implies luminous pigments blended in a water soluble mixture. Botanical and wildlife paintings are amongst the most popular types of pictures that use these types of colors. During the 18th century knowing how to paint using watercolors was a sign of good education and was taught in girl schools. Even nowadays, various schools use this type of art in order to develop the creativity of children. However complex paintings can be created using various watercolor painting techniques.

As with all types of paints the drying time plays an important aspect in defining the final result. Painting on dry layers will create concise lines and shapes while painting on a wet layer will blend the colors together. Both watercolor painting techniques are valid but they create different results. Even if you wish to create a fluid mixture of colors by painting on wet layers you should be able to control the blend in order to obtain the desired result.

As most watercolor paintings often include landscapes, backgrounds are essential to creating a beautiful picture. There are two type of backgrounds that you can create: an even smooth tone or a graded wash. In order to lay an even, flat wash start from the top edge of the paper. Using a large brush draw a stroke from one end of the paper to another. There will be a river of paint at the tip of the stroke. Ad more paint to the brush and make another stroke. When making the second stroke make sure that the tip of the brush is aligned with the river of paint from the first layer. Continue with this method until the whole paper is covered in a flat even color. The washed background is obtained in the same manner as the flat one. The only difference is that instead of putting more paint of the brush, with which layer you load the brush with more water. This way the color gradually fades.

Another amazing techniques involves using salt to create beautiful light effects. In order to obtain the proper result you must be very careful about your timing. The salt must be applied as the paint begins to dry ( as the shine disappears from the wet paint). You can apply table salt for small sprinkles or kosher salt for larger crystal like effects. Wait until the paint is completely dry and then gently brush away the salt. This technique can be used for creating snowflakes, stars or other small light elements.

The great thing about watercolor painting is that it is a relaxing activity. Although you can experiment with different watercolor painting techniques you must remember that these types of colors sometimes have a will of their own. Instead of being frustrated for not getting the right result enjoy the effects of color accidents.