Famous women quotes

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Since man kind’s appearance on earth, the man was always considered the powerful sex while the woman received little to no recognition. However in time the wisdom of women has granted them a worthy status in society. Throughout the years numerous women have changed the course of history. The reason certain women manage to rise above the expectations is the fact that they are guided by strong beliefs. Luckily these women have shared their believes with the world in order to inspire power in other women.

Susan B. Anthony is one of the most famous defenders of women rights. During the 19th century she played an important part in the women’s suffrage movement. Her oratory skills contributed greatly to her powerful image. She gave strenght to all women asking for justice and equality in matters that concerned the civil and political rights of American citizens. Her many speeches underlined that it was the people, not only the white male citizens that formed the Union. She also believed that only when men and women will cork together in complete comradeship, will the human race be able to achieve the highest development. Susan B. Antony’s inspirational women quotes have remained in history as a reminder of women’s power to fight for what they believe in.

Another important female figure in the history of the United States was Eleanor Roosevelt. She served as the First Lady of the United States for many years and often took on presidential tasks when her husband’s health was an inconvenience. She was a prominent political figure who fought for what she believed in even if that sometimes meant that she had to disagree with her husband. A lot of her statements are amongst the most popular women quotes. She believed that no one can make you feel inferior unless you allow them to do so. One of her most enlightening quotes suggests that people with beautiful dreams represent the future. Furthermore by comparing to women tea bags she suggested that only when a woman is under pressure can she revel her true interior strength.

Other popular strong women quotes represent words of wisdom from women around the world, from ancient times until the present. Various brilliant men have also made an effort to understand the women in their life but most of the time they failed to see the true power of women. Even Sigmund Freud declared that despise his research and expertise he has never managed to understand what women really want.