Preparing Your Garden for Winter

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It is essential to prepare your garden for winter. The approach of the cold season requires preparing your garden for the snow to come, thus protecting it for next year. This work not only that provides the garden a tidy look in winter, but protects some plant varieties and facilitates the work in the spring. Start preparing your garden for winter with some basic rules that we give you.

  • Clean the garden of weeds, dry leaves, roots and so on. The flower beds and the grass or trees must wait for winter in an impeccable state regarding cleaning.
  • Dig and level the free ground. Apply fertilizer based on potassium and phosphorus.
  • Dahlias and gladiolus bulbs should be removed from the soil. Let them dry in the sun a few hours and then store them in a cool, dry place (garage or basement).
  • Look carefully to the garden and determine how you want it to look next year: What plants were well developed in some areas, what new varieties you prefer, where you want the roses to be or other autumn flowers, where you want to bloom the first spring flowers and so on. Establish a plan of the garden and make the necessary movements.
  • Cut the roses or the flowering shrubs. Cover the dwarf varieties with grass to protect them from winter. Wrap higher plants in a perforated plastic foil to allow air penetration.
  • Prepare your turf for the winter. Trim it before the first snow and fertilize it with potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers. After these actions, wet it to enjoy the dense grass in the spring.
  • Protect the roots of the plants. All remaining plants in the garden must be covered with mounds of ground or straw, after being cleaned of leaves and dry twigs.
  • Take care of the orchard or backyard trees. Cut the rebel and useless branches without affecting their growing in the next season.
  • Irrigate well the entire garden before the ground to freeze. Even if the snow will be present, winter can be a hard and dry period for many trees and shrubs, so it is recommended to ensure them in advance the required amount of moisture.
  • Before the snowfall it is better to plant bulbs that will bloom in spring. Tulips, hyacinths, irises, daffodils and lilies are only some of the flowers that will make your garden vibrate in spring.
  • Paint with lime the tree stems. Although the operation is usually done in spring, it is also welcomed in autumn.

If you meet all these tasks to prepare your garden for winter you will enjoy a few months the beauty and the perfume of the flowers in your garden. However, keep in mind that aside from cold, winter will also bring other challenges such as heavy snow falls. In order not to be caught unprepared, you might want to check out some snow blower reviews so that you can give your old snow shovel a rest and upgrade it with something more efficient. Reading snow blower reviews is a great way to find the best snow blower for your needs. Front yards covered in snow can look charming in the winter but they are no longer so charming when your car is stuck on the driveway or when it takes hours to clean your sidewalks.