Tips for Buying the Right Refrigerator for Your Kitchen

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The refrigerator is an indispensable appliance in our lives. The categories and functions available are varied, so it can be a challenge to choose a refrigerator suitable for your home.
Whether you opt for a mini fridge, a common type, a refrigerator must be practical and adaptable to the needs and lifestyles of you and your family. Based on the latest refrigerator reviews 2015, we present you some tips for buying the right refrigerator for your kitchen.

Establish a budget

Before you start shopping you must decide on the maximum amount of money you have available or how much you want to invest in a new appliance. It’s advisable to invest more money in a good quality refrigerator that will last for a long period of time.

Consider the space available

Then, with a budget already established, the next step is to measure the space you have available so you don’t end up buying a fridge too large for your kitchen space. Before you buy a refrigerator, measure the space of your kitchen, and keep in mind that you have to leave a little free space in the back and the sides of the refrigerator to allow air circulation and ventilation. Think about how inconvenient it would be to have a large fridge that occupies a large amount of space. A large fridge also means increased energy consumption.

Think about the energy consumption

The first criterion you should keep in mind when buying a new fridge is the energy class, ie its degree of efficiency in terms of power consumption. The refrigerators are classified into A to G groups, depending on how much electricity they consume. The A class fridge is more economical because the energy consumption is reduced. This category was divided into three classes, A +, A ++ and A +++, which also indicates the degree of energy efficiency, with the lowest power being the A+++.

With or without no-frost?

A great dilemma comes when we must choose between a normal fridge and a NoFrost fridge.
With the NoFrost technology, the air circulates inside the refrigerator and thus the water vapor is evacuated. The main advantage is that this type of refrigerator defrosts the evaporator, so you will not be forced to defrost the fridge too often. The foods are cooled faster and the temperature increases faster.
The No-frost technology has some disadvantages: if you leave food undiscovered the smell is transferred from one food to another.

What type of refrigerator is suitable for you?

If you prefer fresh products or to eat at a restaurant, and you do not need much space in the refrigerator, choose a classic model with a freezer on top. The refrigerator with a freezer positioned below, separated by a door, is very suitable if you prefer to have cooked meals. For a large family, choose a side by side refrigerator, in which the refrigeration and freezer compartments are arranged next to each other, separated vertically and having different doors. Make sure it has the supports, drawers and spaces suitable for different categories, such as vegetables, fruits, cheese etc. Glass shelves are more practical because they provide better stability and prevent leaks. Once you know how you want your fridge to look, read the latest refrigerator reviews 2015 in order to be able to compare similar models and make the best choice.

Invest in a fridge with an antibacterial function

If you’re concerned about hygiene and want to protect your food from bacteria, opt for a device equipped with an antibacterial function, which has interior walls treated with silver ions. This system prevents the formation of bacteria and unpleasant odors. Also, if you have in the fridge any strong-smelling foods, consider a refrigerator equipped with a filter against odors.