Tips for Healthy Eating

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Healthy eating improves the physical state and is important for lowering risks to develop heart disease, cancer, hypertension, obesity and diabetes. Nowadays, you can find various online health advice websites, each one with different opinions in regards to nutrition. A healthy diet consists of whole grain, vegetables and fruits that provide essential nutrients, fiber, phytochemicals and water. Food is the fuel of the body so exposure to toxic or inadequate aliments are a risk factor for chronic conditions. Every year 2.7 million people die because they don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables. About 19% of gastrointestinal cancer and 31% of ischaemic heart disease are caused by an unbalanced diet. Psychologists believe that healthy eating may be difficult for people that have poor eating habits because as children they developed preferences for fatty and sugary food.

People that have a healthy diet and don’t deprive themselves from food to stay unrealistically thin have more energy and they feel better. Approaching change gradually and learning a few basic nutritional tips can lead to major life improvements. Read the following tips in order to start leading a healthy lifestyle:

Start slow
Changes don’t happen overnight. Don’t trust any website that offers online health advice with miracle results, especially when it comes to weight loss. A successful diet must be planed as a number of small simple steps. Foods you enjoy don’t have to be completely eliminated. Focus on adding aliments you like and replace unhealthy ingredients when you cook. Instead of butter and sunflower oil use olive oil. Don’t stress over calories and try to maintain a balanced diet.

Moderation is the key for healthy eating. Completely removing certain foods from your diet will make you want them even more. A good way to start is by reducing the portion sizes and using smaller plates. If you are eating in a restaurant you can share a meal with a friends. If you still feel hungry after, eat some vegetables or a fruit salad.

Cut down sugar and fat
There are two types of fat, saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fat consumed in large amounts increases cholesterol levels and can lead to heart conditions. Cheese sausages, butter, pies and cakes are sources of saturated fat. Unsaturated fats like olive oil, avocados and oily fish can replace unhealthy fats. Many people don’t realize how much sugar they get from soft drinks and sugary foods like pastries and cakes. The added sugar can lead to weight gain and tooth decay. Natural sugar can be found in fruits and milk.

Salt intakes
You may be eating too much salt even if you don’t add it to your food because it’s already in the food you buy. Soups, cereals and sauces have high levels of salt. More than 1.5 grams of salt per 100 grams is too much. An adult must consume less than 6 grams a day to avoid raising the blood pressure that can lead to heart disease.