Waffle it – What it takes to make delicious waffles?

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Crunchy and crispy on the outside, buttery and fluffy on the inside, these are the hallmarks of a delicious waffle. If you manage to make this type of waffles, then you can use the finest maple syrup to spice up their taste. But in the majority of cases, making waffles ends up a way you would rather prefer to be forgotten. If you love waffles, but you have no idea how to make them, then you should know that both the recipe and the waffle maker influence the result. A good waffle is a treasure that waits for you to unlock it. Before you start checking tips on how to make buttery and crispy waffles, you should know a few things on the importance of the waffle maker. There are so many models available on the market, provided by different brands, that you may have no idea which one is the right one for your needs.


Pick the best waffle maker

Of course, you have to use a high quality waffle maker if you want to make waffles that are worthy to be covered with maple syrup. You should not get bogged down in details, because there are only subtle differences in the features of the waffle makers available on the market.

The first thing you should know is that there are two main types of waffle makers, from which you can choose:

  • Electric waffle iron – if you use this type of device you will find the making process quite simple, because you only have to spoon the waffle batter into the pre-heated grid and wait a couple of minutes until they are browned.
  • Stove top waffle iron – if you purchase this type of waffle maker, then you also need an external heating source such as a campfire or a stove top element. It is portable, so it is perfect if you want to take it with you on camping trips. You will have to preheat it, and flip it during cooking.

When you decide upon the type of waffle maker, you should check the features, because they have a great impact on the way the waffles will taste and look.

  • Sizes and shapes – once you have decided on the type of waffle maker you prefer, you should check the shapes available. Both types of devices come in traditional square and round shape, but there are also models that feature shapes as animals, hearts, pops and sticks.
  • Temperature control – according to the type of waffle maker you will select the temperature controls will vary from precise programmable digital controls to on and off switches. If you are a picky eater, then it is advisable to opt for a model that comes with variable temperature control.
  • Non-stick surfaces – old models had uncoated surfaces that made difficult to get the waffle from the grill in one piece. But, nowadays you can check if the model you want to buy is made from a non-stick material.
  • Cleaning – the first thing you have to do when you buy a waffle maker is to read the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions. You should allow the device to cool completely before you start cleaning it. You should use a damp washcloth for the exterior and a chopstick wrapped in a paper towel to clean the grates.

Tricks to make the perfect waffles

Before you dive into the tricks that will help you cook delicious waffles, you should make sure that you have a waffle maker and not a pancake one, because people usually consider them the same thing. In addition, you should check if you follow a waffle batter, because waffles are a touch sweeter then pancakes. The sugar is the one that helps them have a caramelized exterior, boosts the crispness and aids in the browning process.

·         Avoid violent mixing – It is quite tricky to get the perfect batter, it has to be smooth enough to get through the dimples of the maker, but you should not over-mix it. You should have patience and use a rubber spatula to mix the liquid ingredients.

·         Separate the egg yolks from the whites – If you want to obtain that fluffy and light interior you have seen at restaurants, you should pay attention to the right way to separate eggs. You should add the beaten yolks to the liquid ingredients and then beat the whites until they take a stiff peak form. Make sure to fold the eggs whites gently into the final batter with the help of a spatula.

Bonus tip: you should always have softened margarine or butter and warm syrup for the waffles. There is nothing worse than trying to spread cold butter on a perfect waffle.