Why Back4App is the Best Solution for Building an App

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Back4App is the easiest and most convenient Parse server solution of the moment. If you are looking for a way to build your app with as little coding as possible, while also host it without worries and manage the app with ease, you should definitely consider this baas solution. If you are still not convinced, here is what you need to know about it:

1. Most intuitive user interface

There are many people who have great ideas for building apps, but they lack the technical background or the time to develop these apps from scratch. Well, the Back4App Parse server allows you to build the app of your dreams with minimal coding skills and in a timely manner. The user interface practically guides you through every step of the way. You start by naming your app, and then you are provided with some simple ways of setting up your backend. You can easily edit core settings, manage Parse server, add collaborators, manage your data, configure the Parse server, experiment with the API console, check your logs, or write code to develop your own Java functions.

2. You can build for any platform

Usually when you have an app in mind, you will most likely start by building it for a specific platform, but as your app gets more popular, you will want to extend to all possible platforms to give all people access to your app. If you develop your app from scratch, you will have to repeat the process for each individual platform.  However, with Back4App, you will have a backend foundation, that you can easily customize for new platforms. You can choose between thirteen native SDKs for mobile, IoT and desktop.

3. You benefit from the best server performance

The server performance is yet another reason why Back4App is way ahead of other baas providers. Their platform is hosted on AWS, which is the most comprehensive cloud computing platform of the moment. As such, the Back4App Parse Server benefits from a boosted performance that allows you to scale your app at the highest level. Back4App has successfully been able to scale apps at up to 10.000 request per second, with about 80.000 simultaneous users. This makes it dozens of times more efficient than other similar app scaling solutions. And all of this is done while fully controlling your backend, and without any of the limitations that usually come with Black Box solutions. This platform easily provides you with smart database index, query optimizers, auto-scaling solutions, automated backups as well as redundant storage capacity.