Basic PC Troubleshooting Tutorial

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If you notice that something goes wrong with your PC, you should act somehow in order to fix the problem or to avoid getting complicated. There are a few steps that you can follow and can help you solve the issues. You need to learn a few tips about PC troubleshooting and in this way you will manage to solve all the problems within it, saving up money and time.

For the beginning, we suggest to check for the cables and wires that are fixed into your PC. If you notice that your computer has problems with starting, one cause could be this one. A loose wire or a weak connection could interrupt the access of electricity in your PC. It can also affect your key-board or your display.

Look at the power strip and see whether the computer is turned on. Try to change the power outlet of the device in order to help it work efficiently. Check whether the monitor is working. Sometimes people forget to turn on the monitor and they only turn on the PC. See if the light indicator is on and if it’s not, press on the button and activate it.

This basic PC troubleshooting tutorial only refers to starting up your computer. There are other situations in which you need to know how to act and one of them is related to the computer errors.

You have to press the buttons ALT and F4 and in this way you will close all the programs that have blocked your system. If you see that this method is not working, click on “Task Manager” and the problem will be solved. You can activate “Task Manager” by clicking Ctrl, Alt and Del. Press the button “Processes” and look for the non-responsive program. Select the program and press “End Process” twice.

PC troubleshooting can also be solved with another option. You can restart your computer and the errors will be stopped. The Basic PC Troubleshooting Tutorial includes tips about how to increase the speed of running your programs. Update the programs that occupy a large partition of memory using the “Task Manager”. See how much free space you have on your hard-disk, selecting Start, Computer and Proprieties.

For internet connection problems we suggest you to access Control Panel. Look for the options within and choose the one that fits to your problem best. PC troubleshooting should not be a problem anymore!