Best 5 Sports for Health

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Regular exercise is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Playing a sport regularly is highly beneficial, fun and and a great way to socialize. Furthermore, it is a great way of staying in shape so that you can maintain your strength even throughout your elderly years. People who lead healthy lifestyles are less likely to end up in the convenient yet dreaded mobility scooter.

Staying in shape doesn’t mean that you have to spend all your free time in a boring gym. If you are interested in a healthy and active lifestyle, then you can combine the workouts of a Cranbourne gym with these sports and outdoor activities for a more comprehensive approach. However, you should first ask your trainer how to integrate them in your daily routine to avoid exhaustion. If you are tired of spending hours at the gym, try out these 5 sports for health:

Swimming is suitable for anyone: individuals, seniors, children and it is a great family activity. Swimmers develop endurance, a strong cardiovascular system, joint mobility, flexibility and muscle strength. Fitness models practice this sport regularly because it sets in motion all muscle groups. According to the Swimming Teachers’ Association (STA), this sport has tremendous psychological benefits because while the water massages the body Beta-endorphin is released into the body. Disabled athletes and seniors can benefit from swimming because it provides an all-over body workout.

Jogging and running are great sports for health that are also inexpensive. The biggest benefit is cardiovascular and muscular endurance. Research shows that running helps increase leg function and rises the levels of good cholesterol. Women have a lower risk of developing breast cancer if they exercise regularly. People that suffer from osteoporosis, diabetes and high blood pressure in early stages should run at least a few times a week. It also reduces the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Runners have no vitamin D deficiency because they spend more time outside.

Out of all sports for health, squash was rated number one by Forbes Magazine in 2003. This indoor racquet sport is played by two or four players in a four-walled court. It provides great cardiovascular workout because it is a high-impact and fast-moving type of exercise. Squash players burn more than 1000 calories per hour so it is an ideal sport for those that want to lose weight. It increases strength, flexibility in the back and builds hand-eye coordination. You can play squash all year long because it is an indoors sport.

Taekwondo originated in Korea and in 1989 it became the most popular martial art in the world. Self-defense techniques are combined with sport and exercise that help improve psychical fitness. Aerobic activities such as blocking drills and training activities such as kicking drills improve flexibility. Other health benefits are improved cholesterol levels and weight loss.

Cycling is one of the most popular ways to exercise, practiced by many categories of people, including athletes, fitness models, trainers, retirees and even children. Besides the fact that it can be a mean of transportation, it doesn’t requite high level of skill. Once you learn how to ride a bike, you never forget. Cycling increases muscle tone, especially in the lower half of the body and it builds up strength and stamina. Studies show that people who cycle to work have improved cardiovascular fitness by 3 to 7 percents and decreased risk of developing coronary heart disease. Riding a bike improves mental health and strengtheners the immune system.

The 5 sports presented above are great not only for maintaining your silhouette but they are also great cardio exercises which will also keep you healthy on the inside, thus postponing as much as possible the negative effects of old age. A mobility scooter might have many benefits, but let’s face it: nobody wants to ever depend on such a vehicle.