Boronia Flowers

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If we were to classify scientifically the Boronia plant we would say that it belongs to the Rutaceae family and it’s a genus comprising of somewhere close to 100 species, the majority of them being found in Australia.

Although Australia represents the Boronia’s originating place, the flower can also be cultivated outdoors in California or in other worm climates, whereas cold climates are not suitable for the development of this plant. Still, an alternative of cultivating the Boronia flowers even in the places that are environmentally unsuitable is represented by the greenhouses. Many florists have recurred to this option in order to grow and sell this unique and beautiful flower.

Baronia has a reputation of growing in open forests and woodlands, but only if the weather conditions are appropriate. The Boronia flowers need a very moist soil, as the arid regions do not permit the growth of such plant. If cultivated for commercial purpose, the ornamental Boronia needs a lot of nurturing and dedication to reach its maturity. Most florists are aware of the delicacy of the Boronia flowers and tend to put a lot of effort into planting and taking care of this flower. The result is most of the times impressive and florists never complain about the pretentious way of dealing with Boronias, because when the flower reaches its maturity it looks simply exquisite.

Most of the species belonging to this genus are epidemic to Australia and are famous for the strong scent. Moreover, the flower is known to produce aromatic oils through squeezing, which are later on distributed to companies focused on aroma therapy or to perfume producers. You are most likely to find them in warm climates, but never in arid regions or even rainforests.

The Boronias are composed by flowers of 5 petals, are bisexual and are usually small in size. People commonly refer to these flowers as evergreens, whose flowers bloom in the shape of bells. Some of the most recognizable colors for the Boronia include rose, pink, yellow and carmine.

Mainly ornamental, the beauty of the Boronia flowers is worldwide appreciated and it’s amongst the most solicited flowers at organizing wedding receptions or other special events. As previously mentioned, the flowers are also produced for their unbelievable scent, which is added to perfume combinations, facial and body lotions and make-up. The most popular aromatic Boronia is called the “Brown Boronia” and has a very pleasant odor, and amongst others more subtle we can mention the serrulata type or the floribunda specie.

One of the most demanded flowers in the floral arrangements industry, the Boronia deserves its place amongst the most beautiful and aromatic flowers in the world.