Cycling Training for Beginners

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A cycling training is one of the easiest and healthiest ways to lose weight and boost endurance. A person can cycle more frequently and with a higher intensity than with running or swimming. Cycling is convenient, and it can also be a mean of transportation. Before you get started, there are some aspects you should consider. As with any sport, cycling is not without risks and often times a cycling accident can lead to many sessions of Ottawa massage therapy. So definitely keep in mind the following tips because they will not only help you improve your cycling, but also keep you from getting hurt.

A very important factor when starting a cycling training program is the “training age”, or how long can you comfortably ride a bike. An inexperienced cyclist has young legs and cannot tolerate too much workload. An experienced rider can pedal for 5-6 hours at a time. Start by riding 20 minutes and slowly increase the amount of time you spend on a bike. Adapt the training volume, intensity and recovery time to you training age.

Select a user-friendly course for the first months of training, with flat roads and less traffic. Make sure your bike is functioning properly and periodically clean and oil the chain. Check if the tires are inflated and test the breaks. Before you start, warm up and stretch for about 10 minutes. Don’t push yourself too hard by going too fast or for extended periods of time. It is important to know your limits. Aerobic capacity for a sedentary person that rides 5-10 miles every two days will increase at 65% in about a month.

Women adapt differently to an intense cycling training program because they have less testosterone than men. They build strength slower and lose it quicker. A man can build strength in proximately 30 days, while women need twice as long. An inexperienced cyclist might be able to train for two days in a row, but require a day off to rest. Seasoned riders can train for many weeks in a row before requiring a week to recover. In the beginning you can do 2 weeks of training with 3 days of rest and continue with a week of lighter training.

A sporting background can help speed up the process. Former runners can develop endurance faster than a sedentary person. If you played another sport and have a developed aerobic and anaerobic system, increase the difficulty of your training after a couple of weeks. Former injuries can affect the intensity of the cycling training. Avoid stressing the weakened area to prevent reoccurring pain and consult a physician before starting the program.

Another important aspect is to monitor the workload for each session in hours rather than kilometers, because of the terrain variations. Increase the training intensity progressively and adjust your program until you feel comfortable with it.

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