Design ideas for decorating a living room

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Each room of the house should be treated differently so as to reflect its function. In most homes, the living room occupies the central position. This is where most of us spend our free time, meeting a series of activities. Being the representative room for any house the living room should express in the best way the personality of the owner.

Regardless of the design style and size chosen, the image must be an airy and relaxing one. Let your imagination free, play with different elements, inspire yourself from different items seen in magazines or in other places you have visited, but avoid agglomeration and the combination of styles.

When you decorate the living room is advisable to create a space where you can feel good in terms of comfort and aesthetics. You can create a simple but wonderful living room with threes design ideas that we are giving you.

Paint the walls with colors of blue or gray. Even if these colors are in trend they fit perfectly in a classic style of the room. The light can be quite easily played with spots so that the color can gain greater significance. Another trick to color the living room is to give it a more satin aspect giving the impression of old, a trend in fashion lately.

Although it is difficult to transform a small space into a larger one you can try certain strategies that give the impression of width by placing a mirror on one wall of the room for example. Forget about the middle table of twelve persons. Following the size of the living room is indicated to give up the huge table which covers the entire surface. And if you think at guests is more practical to juggle with smaller tables for serving a cup of coffee.

Decorate the living room with pillows. The beauty of a sofa is very often highlighted with some colorful pillows. If you look up in magazines you will know how to choose them so that the sofa could become a real attraction of the room.

Furthermore, you can use the pictures. Regardless of the painting that it reflects you can choose to hang on the wall a large number of paintings placed asymmetrically. However, if there are more precious you can hang here and there various frames with family photos.

Finally, create a corner of memory. Such a place will help you remember the places you’ve visited. Therefore, you can make a real collection of stones, shells or items with tourist value for you and your family. Look for examples in magazines which can give you same design ideas and do not be afraid to let your imagination free.

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