How to Work in a Radio Station in 5 Steps


Working in a radio station is a popular career choice especially for people that listen to the radio since childhood. Presenters are local celebrities and the pursuit for that status drives many people into the business. Competition is fierce, but because of rapid technological development, many jobs are available for Podcasting, Digital Radio and Internet Broadcasting. Finding an opening in a big city is difficult and requires a lots patience and perseverance. If you want to know how to work in a radio station, follow these 5 steps:

Step 1 – Find a radio or broadcast course
Check within your area for a college that offers radio courses or for a broadcasting school. Usually broadcasting schools teach you the basics and are quite expensive, but you will get a more flexible program. Colleges will give you a complete education and a degree because of the wide variety of classes. You can study podcasting, new media, radio courses and web development.

Step 2 – Volunteer

While you study, volunteer at the university’s radio station so you can figure out if this career choice is the right one. Universities allow the students to fill a couple of hours with talk and music. It is useful to learn about running a sound board and you can even use the equipment to make an audition tape.

Step 3 – Internships
Most radio stations prefer candidates with experience in the field rather than a media qualification. Accept any internship or short-term positions no matter what the radio station is. You need to start small and take even unpaid jobs, because when someone to fill in is need they usually turn to people that already know how to do the job. If you can’t find an internship, offer your free services to a commercial radio station and run errands for Djs. This way you can get familiarized with the environment and meet people. Community and voluntary stations usually accept part-time help. Ask the local hospital radio station if they have an available position. A list with the names, phone numbers and addresses of the stations will get you started.

Step 4 – Hunt for jobs
If you want to how to work in a radio station, you need to know how to get noticed. Besides the common CV, create a 10 minutes audition tape if you are applying for a DJ job. The tape should highlight your talent and good taste. Check specialized websites and Radio station websites for information about job openings. Another idea is to call local stations and ask them to add you to a mailing list for job openings.

Step 5 – Attend radio conferences

An important step on how to work in a radio station is networking. A good way to to this is by attending annual radio conferences in your sector of industry. This way you can meet managers and find out the lasted news.