How To Join The National Honor Society

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The National Honor Society is an elite organization which celebrates bright students with extraordinary accomplishments. Being a part of this society is not only a ceremonial privilege. It can be a steeping stone into building a successful career. When applying for a college there are thousands of students with a perfect GPA therefore in order to be accepted you need to bring something new to the table. Being a part of this elite society can be the thing that will set you apart in front of the admission committee. If you are wondering how to join the National Honor Society you need to follow a few guidelines.

The first thing you need to do is attend a school that has a chapter in the National Honor Society. If your school does not have a chapter in the society then you might as well transfer to one that has because that is essential for being a part of the society. Furthermore you need to have a good grade point average and demonstrate great qualities during various activities. If you want to know how to join the National Honor Society you should focus on the four main conditions: scholarship, leadership, service and character.

The scholarship requirement states that in order to join the society a student must have a 3,75 cumulative grade point average. The leadership condition suggest that a student must demonstrate authority in school events and programs. As a leader he should be responsible, resourceful, ready to delegate and he should demonstrate positive initiative on various activities. During high school a student should have at least one leadership position in a school activity. In order to satisfy the service requirement a student needs to participate willingly in as many school and community programs. The school faculty and administration will take into account all various situations in which a student’s character is considered questionable.

In order to learn how to join the National Honor Society a student must respect all of the four conditions listed above. If he does so he will receive a formal invitation in order to attend a meeting. During the informational meeting the students need to fill out applications. If a person is accepted into this society he needs to abide by certain rules. First of all he has to continue to respect the four requirements. Furthermore he has to participate in various projects and events organized by the society. If he is considered unworthy a student can be eliminated from the National Honor Society and according to the problems he caused the society may even inform the colleges where the certain student has applied.