The Bismarck Sapphire Necklace

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Despite the fact that top designers come up with new jewelry fashion tips and trends each year, expensive jewelry never really goes out of style. For over 160 years, Cartier has been a name that inspired luxury. It is one of the most prestigious jewelry houses in the world. Aside from being top quality and very well crafted, the Cartier jewelry pieces inspire sophistication and elegance. Throughout history, the Parisian jewelry house was associated with numerous royal figures as well as other important people. Some of their pieces carry a priceless historical significance. Such is the case of the Bismarck Sapphire Necklace which is one of the most famous necklaces in the world.

Sapphire necklaces are usually very eye-catching and desired by most women. Men who can afford to buy genuine sapphire necklaces, are well aware of the fact that these are the best Valentines gifts for her. However, the prices of sapphire necklaces can vary greatly from one model to another. Considering the history of the Bismark necklace, it is safe to assume that this piece of jewelry is almost priceless. The woman who might receive such a necklace as a Valentines gift would be a very special woman indeed.

The Bismarck Sapphire Necklace is an exquisite piece of jewelry which features a 96.6 carat blue sapphire. The impressive gem is embedded in a chain of platinum rings finished off with rounds diamonds. The sapphire-diamond combination is amazing as the gems blend together in an extraordinary manner creating a dramatic yet delicate jewelry piece. The massive sapphire is set on a pendent surrounded by baguette diamonds and eight smaller sapphires placed in symmetrical positions. The brilliant gem was acquired by countess Mona Van Bismark on her honeymoon trip in Sri Lanka in 1925. Nine years later the Cartier house was commissioned to create a necklace suited for the sapphire’s grandeur. The result was magnificent as the necklace became one of the most famous jewelry pieces in the world. In 1967, the Countless donated the necklace to the Smithsonian museum in Washington where it resided until the present day. Although this magnificent necklace is considered a piece of art it seems a shame that it should be kept in a museum. Impressive jewelry pieces are meant to be worn by powerful women as a sigh of their inner strength.

The Bismarck Sapphire Necklace has fascinated women for many years. This is the type of jewelry piece which has nothing to do with fashion tips and trends. It is simply stunning and it will always be just as breathtaking as it is now. Despite its many diamonds,, it is the stunning sapphire that makes this piece of jewelry unique. Although most sapphires present inclusions, this particular one is eye clear thus making it quite valuable especially given its size and perfect cut. Unlike diamonds who have standard cuts, sapphires need to be customary cut in order for them to display their features better. The even and symmetrical edges of this particular sapphire are perfect for this gem. Despite its dark color, the gem manages to be luminous. Such a powerful and intense color would look magnificent on a lighter skin tone. However given the fact that this magnificent piece of jewelry is currently lying in a museum it is quite probable that it won’t we worn at a cocktail party any time soon. However numerous jewelry pieces are inspired by this unique necklace. These being said, the man who is looking for the best valentines gifts for her, would not be wrong if he chose a jewelry piece inspired by the Bismark necklace.