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How to Write Slam Poetry in 5 Steps

A slam poetry should be passionate, bold and relate to causes such as economic, racial and gender injustices. You don't have to be an expert in literature to write a good piece, just let the rhythm flow and see what comes out. If you want to learn how to write slam poetry, we have prepared 5 easy steps to follow.

How to Create Digital Art in 5 Steps

Digital art is a revolutionary process that uses unlimited resources to generate art that was considered impossible. If you always wondered about how to create digital art and never had the courage to try it, these 5 steps will give you simple and efficient guidelines that teach you how to express ideas

How to Make a Cartoon Movie in 5 steps

Everybody remembers their favorite childhood carton characters. If you want to make a cartoon of your own, follow these 5 easy steps and become the creator of a whole new world. You don’t need much, just grab a camera, a whiteboard and let your ideas flow!

How to Become a Pro Baseball Player in 6 Steps

Playing in a major league is a difficult road that requires passion, dedication and hard work. If you want to know how to become a pro baseball player, you must be prepared for the challenge. Start playing at an early age and practice until it becomes your second nature.

How to Unlock a GM Radio in 5 Steps

Many people go to a dealership to unlock their radio and pay a service charge of more than $100. If you disconnected your battery and don't know how to unlock a GM radio, these 6 steps will show you how do it on your own and even change the four-digit code.

How to Start a Mystery Shopping Company in 5 Steps

Any successful company knows that the key to success is good stomper service. The goal of the mystery shopper is to evaluate the personnel and how well they relate to customers. If you want more insight on how to start a mystery shopping company read these 5 easy steps.

How to Design an Asian Garden in 6 Steps

The key to knowing how to design an Asian garden with a calming effect on the mind, you must keep it simple and avoid unnecessary decor that will create confusion. The five elements earth, fire, water, metal and wood must blend perfectly.

How to Promote Your Business through Trade Shows

All businesses, no matter the size, need promotion in order to be successful. Especially when you’re at the beginning of your journey, you need...

Project management – everything you need to know about DevOps

There comes a time when software development becomes really inconvenient. The message is repeated several times, testing does not have a significant impact, not...

Strengthen your non-profit – build a great sustainability plan

Creating a sustainability plan is essential nowadays because people started focusing on the devastating effects of greenhouse gases and too much waste. Especially in...

When Should You Start Saving For A Wedding?

Weddings are an expensive business. With the average cost clocking in around $27,698, it’s a pretty significant investment to make in spending the rest...

The Best Instant Messenger Apps for Android

If you want to explore the full social potential of your mobile phone, you should try out the most popular instant messenger apps for Android. This apps are not only very useful but also very fun and entertaining.

Where to find a trustworthy auto locksmith company?

Whether you own a last generation vehicle or an older one, it is best to be prepared. Problems do have a way of appearing,...

Sales techniques

Nowadays, having a great strategy to both set up a business and make it grow as days go by is a must if you wish to feel proud of what you achieve, as well as to gain profit. In this case, the sales techniques make to exception – instead, they can definitely give you a hand in the process of blooming in your business!

Tips for Healthy Eating

Healthy eating lowers the risks to develop heart disease, cancer, hypertension, obesity and diabetes. A healthy diet is based on the consumption of vegetables, fruits and whole grain that provide the essential nutrients. Start slow and focus on what you can add to your meals, not take away.

How to create a sales presentation

Nowadays, image and presentation is everything. Whether you have already experienced this statement on your own or not yet – there will always be something that will attract the human eye! It is named creativity. Stick with us to learn how to create a sales presentation that will leave everyone else speechless!

Startup financing

Nowadays, owning a business is the key to freedom – not only you become your own boss, but also have the satisfaction of working for yourself, and not for someone that can easily take advantage of your work. Here are some tips on fulfilling a startup financing in a blink of an eye!

The role of finance in business management

Nowadays, finance is the key to getting the outcome expected from any corner. In addition, when combined with the business management, the finance’s role increases unexpectedly, since it is the main aspect in predicting whether or not the business is going to bloom sooner than expected.

Basic PC Troubleshooting Tutorial

If you notice that something goes wrong with your PC, you should act somehow in order to fix the problem or to avoid getting...

How to Write SEO Articles Fast

If you like writing online, then you should think of getting some money from your work. The online world is wide and it offers...

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